It’s been more than 2 months after the launch of GST (Goods & Services Tax) in India, touted to be the biggest tax reform in India since independence. Though there have been little hiccups, overall the transformation from the previous tax regime to the new one has been smooth. Businesses are slowly but steadily getting used to the newer tax system. To make functioning and adaptation smoother for businesses, Tally Software had launched Tally ERP 9 Release 6 last year which has been designed and developed to cater the needs of businesses related to GST. Since last year, Tally has worked effortlessly towards making the adoption of GST ready software quite easy. In the last one year they have also organized ‘Upgrade your Tally’ camps across the country as well to enable remote upgrade through their widespread partner network.
The company has already conducted more than 5000 GST events across the country along with its extensive partner network and it has also tied up with several associations and companies to reach out to more than two lakh businesses. Moreover, Tally has also launched a state of the art mobile app by the name Tally GST to simplify the new tax system for numerous businesses. Also, going a step ahead, Tally has recently launched Biz Guru in combination with Acer India and CAIT to help those businesses who are presently preserving books manually to automate in the GST period. The company has been doing this since the last year and they intend to carry on such initiatives to help the business community with GST.
Shake Up Corporate Operations
Before the launch of GST, industry experts had predicted that the new tax regime would force many businesses to restructure their operations, and almost 3 months down the line after its launch the prediction has proved right. In this GST era, businesses need to insist suppliers and vendors to provide invoices as this tax regime would make it impossible for businesses to evade taxes. While the impact on companies has varied, the implementation of GST gas started showing positive results gradually in terms of cost savings for the businesses.
Antraweb Technologies has been a master Tally partner for over 2 decades providing the entire gamut of Tally services to its clients globally. Having partnered Tally Solutions for such a long time it has played a great role in taking its products to the global market. Antraweb has also played a significant role in educating all types of businesses to prepare for the GST revolution by organizing two weekly sessions.