The next Generation belongs to Mobility & Mobile apps. Desktops were replaced by Laptops in the last decade. Today, Mobiles are replacing Laptops as preferred devices for doing work. More & More applications are being designed keeping Mobility in mind.
Bizeye from Antraweb is a step towards taking our Tally customers to Mobility. Antraweb has designed Tally mobile apps for Android & iPhone, which will enable them to do their important work right from the comfort of their personal devices. Again all this at a cost which is affordable to small & medium enterprises & one which can give highest ROI.
Tally App will allow you to be completely abreast with your business providing you key performance parameters. We have designed Tally mobile applications for Sales people on the field for booking sales order & giving a complete profiling of their customers including ledgers & outstanding.
The Business Owners with Android or iPhone devices can utilize Business Dashboard for remaining updated with business & Transapproval mobile app for authorising purchase, sales or expense transactions.